
Our Core Services

Our end to end marketing campaigns focus on bringing you more leads, more sales, a higher conversion rate and a better return on ad spend.

Some of the results our clients have seen in 3 months or less

Our Areas of Focus

UpCaptain maintains focus on three types of marketing solutions, all of which utilize the same general tactics but need different strategies to lead to success.

B2B Demand Generation

Focus on quality instead of quantity of leads, and MQLs instead of conversions. Track and analyze the leads being generated from marketing in your backend systems and optimize for pipeline and revenue.

B2C Lead Generation

Generate more leads for your consumer facing business. Prioritize quantity of leads and cost per lead.


Scale your E-Commerce efficiently while maintaining, or decreasing, your return on ad spend.

How We Do it

We focus on three key stages of digital marketing management when working with clients; building, optimizing and scaling. Whether your focus is just on dialing in the performance of an existing channel, or building a new Google Ads account from scratch, elements of each stage will be leveraged to help you succeed.


Build your accounts and campaigns from the ground up

The Build Stage

  • Fact finding about your business
  • Keyword research
  • Persona research
  • Ad creative
  • Conversion tracking set up
  • Account Construction
  • Launch


Optimize the performance of your campaigns

Optimizing Your Accounts

  • Negative Keywords
  • A/B Testing
  • Ad Scheduling
  • Bidding
  • Targeting
  • Data collection
  • Reporting


Scale your conversions with optimized spend

Scaling Your Accounts

  • Expand media budget
  • Broaden reach
  • Gain more conversions at the same CPA
  • Develop new campaigns
  • Implement new keywords
  • Test new targeting methods
  • Test new channels

Clients We Have Worked With

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